Protecting Your Client Details… What You Need To Know!

Protecting Your Client Details… What You Need To Know

Perhaps you’ve heard about a new law coming into effect in about a year’s time: the new Data Protection Act 2018. When it comes to protecting your client details, implementing good habits today can only be beneficial in the future. So, let’s get ready: first things first, put the kettle on.

A Few Terms And Definitions


Any information you hold and that relates to a client/customer.

Third P arty

Any person, or company with no connection to you or the client/customer.

General Data Protection Regulation (GRPR) 2018

Commonly referred to as the New Data Protection Act, the GRPR aims to give consumers within the EU greater control over how their personal data is used. It has been announced that for Ireland for instance, “the main law dealing with data protection legislation is the Data Protection Act 1988, which was amended by the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003. These will both be replaced by the GDPR.”

client details

What You Need To Do To Protect Client Details

The biggest impact of this law on your salon or spa is the right to retain information on clients/customers that could enable them to be identified by third parties. If you fail to respect and protect your clients’ details, it could cost you 4% of your annual turnover. More, you – your salon or spa – could then be fined per breach, even if you – the salon owner – may not have committed the violation. Your staff or a hacker could have.

Retaining Information

The right to keep retain information on customers who freely provide you with such details places a responsibility on your business and any provider to: