5000+ Computer Question And Answers PDF For All Exams: Computer awareness is one of the Important topics for competitive exams, entrance exams, Interviews, and campus placement. The computer has become an important part of modern-day life. Computer literacy is considered a very important skill to possess.
A student must have basic to advance knowledge of Computer nowadays. In this article, we are going to share 5000+ Computer Question And Answers PDF which will help you in all your exams. We are also sharing Computer Practice Set PDF and Basic & Fundamental Computer Questions PDF.
Table of Contents ToggleTopic | Computer Question And Answers PDF For All Exams |
Category | Study Materials |
Important For | All Exams & Interviews |
Total MCQs | 5000+ |
Language | Hindi + English |
Level | Basic To Advance |
Format | |
Quality | Best |
File Size | Various |
Official Site | www.www.examstocks.com |
A computer is a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks. (Source: Wikipedia)
In addition to these components, many others make it possible for the basic components to work together efficiently. For example, every computer requires a bus that transmits data from one part of the computer to another.
Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows, though there is considerable overlap:
Here we are sharing some Basic & Fundamental Computer Questions and Answers:
Q. Computer Monitor is also known as:
Q. Arrange in ascending order the units of memory TB, KB, GB, MB
Q. Which one of these stores more data than a DVD?
A.CD Rom
C.Blue Ray Disk
D.Red Ray Disk
Q. Eight Bits make up a
Q. Which one is the result of the output given by a computer
Q. Which one of these is also known as read/write memory?
D.Hard Disk
Q. The printed output from a computer is called
B.Soft Copy
C.Hard Copy
Q. MS-Word is an example of _____
A.An operating system
B.A processing device
C.Application software
D.An input device
Q. ________ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors
Here we are sharing some Computer Questions and Answers In Hindi. You can note them down in your notebook. The level of the question has been Increased in the PDF, you can download It from the download link given at the end of the article:
Q.1. कंप्यूटर का जनक किसे कहा जाता है
(A) बिल गेट्स
(B) चार्ल्स बेबेज
(C) बेल्स पास्कल
(C) जोसेफ जैक्यूर्ड
Q.2. भारत में निर्मित प्रथम कंप्यूटर है –
(A) सिद्धार्थ
(B) परम
(C) मेघा
(D) साइबर
Q.3. कम्पयूटर कौनसी भाषा पर कार्य करता है
(A) बेसिक भाषा
(B) कोबोल भाषा
(C) मशीनी भाषा
(D) फोरट्रान भाषा
Q.4. डाटा प्रोसेसिंग का अर्थ है-
(A) डाटा संग्रहण
(B) डाटा को सजाना
(C) डाटा को उपयोगी बनाना
(D) उपरोक्त सभी
Q.5. सबसे तेज कंप्यूटर होता है
(A) मिनी कंप्यूटर
(B) माइक्रो कंप्यूटर
(C) मेनफ्रेम कंप्यूटर
(D) सुपर कंप्यूटर
Q.6. IMAC एक प्रकार का है
(A) मशीन
(B) प्रोसेसर
(C) प्रोग्राम
(D) रजिस्टर
Q.7. कंप्यूटर के जनक एवं पिता किसे कहा जाता है
(A) बिल गेट्स
(B) चार्ल्स बाबेज
(C) लैरी पेज
(D) लेडी लारा
Q.8. निम्न में से किसका सम्बन्ध कम्प्यूटर के प्रोसेसर से नहीं है
(A) Dual Core
(B) i7
(C) Celeron
(D) Android
Q.9. भारत में कंप्यूटर का प्रथम बार प्रयोग कहाँ किया गया था
(A) भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, दिल्ली
(B) प्रधान डाकघर, नई दिल्ली
(C) प्रधान डाकघर, बेंगलुरु
(D) भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, कोलकाता
Q.10. कंप्यूटर साक्षरता का अर्थ है-
(A) कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राम लिखना
(B) कंप्यूटर की त्रुटि सुधारना
(C) कंप्यूटर की कार्य क्षमता की जानकारी रखना
(D) कंप्यूटर की कार्य प्रणाली जानना
We are attaching an Important computer mcq pdf for competitive exams. This Complete Notes On Computer General Knowledge PDF compilation will help you in various exams like Banking, SSC, Railway, Delhi Police, KVS, NVS, UPSC, State PCS, and other exams.
These PDFs cover basic to advance level knowledge of Computer. You can download them by clicking on the links provided below:
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English mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage is credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer.
Some people say that COMPUTER stands for Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.
Information and communication technologies
ICT stands for Information Communication Technology, which covers all of the digital technology that exists to help individuals, organizations, businesses, etc.
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